This is me

I've come to the conclusion somewhat recently that one of my greatest desires in life is that it won't be meaningless. Now what do I mean by that? I couldn't even really tell you that, it's an ever evolving thought that I only recently have come to grasp. To summarize it's current meaning to me, however, is something I can do for you, for myself.

My previous motto or meaning for life was, simply put, to live my life to the fullest without regrets so that one day I may look back and be proud of the journey I took. While I still share this dream it has changed somewhat slightly. I've come to realize that while that self assurance is all well and good, it alone will not make me happy with my years spent.

I want to live my life the way I see fit, along my own path on my own journey. I want to experience all that I can so that I may learn all that I can. I wish to regret nothing, embrace everything. And I wish to not simply fade away after my time has come with a sense of self satisfaction. I want others to learn from my time. Teach those that are lost without forcing them to see. Share my thoughts with those that would wish to hear them. From my future children to my present friends and forever strangers, I wish for anyone and everyone to be able to regard my stories as advice (with questionable reliability at worst) and learn something from me and learn of me.

I refuse to fade to nothing, depart this plane with no one to witness my absence. I will be heard, I will be remembered, I will die yet I will still live. This is my wish in life.

These stories are how I plan to make it happen.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Darin's Parting Words

   Today I decided to share with you all one of the most personal experiences of my life.  It happened almost two years ago and I've never told anyone, until last night.  A friend of mine seemed to be going through something that reminded me of this moment and so I told them, being the first time I've verbalized this moment ever.  Here is what I said and the words that I have taken to be my motto for life.

  " You know, one of my best friends back home told me something once that has effectively shaped my desire to put up with the tough slog of life. My friend, Darin, had just saved my life two weeks prior and had stopped me from doing something that would have forever ruined my life just three days before he told me one thing.

I was at a point where life seemed as if it were some great mountain that which in order for me to succeed in, I would have to take the ardurous journey up to the peak, but if I turned back towards the base that I had been accustomed to for the past two years, I would have an easy journey but would forever be on the ground, wishing of the possibilities of the peak.  When I explained this to Darin (in these exact words) he merely looked at me and said:
 "Calvin, if you decide to view life as some great slog up a mountain then what stops you from getting to the top?"

"Because I keep falling." I had answered. "everytime I get to a stable point some rock comes loose and I fall back down. And falling... Failing hurts.".

With that he merely looked me in the eye and said "Have you tried falling in reverse?"

And the next day he left for the Marine Corp and I haven't seen him in almost two years.  But his words stuck with me and have become somewhat of my motto. For awhile I wasn't sure exactly what they meant but recently I have interpreted them as the fact that, yes, life is hard and, yes, we will fall at times but as long as we get back up and don't allow ourselves to fall too far, eventually we will succeed.

And I will reach the peak of my mountain.  "

This is me retelling the incredibly powerful departing conversation I had with Darin.  The one person I've told this to, before you all, I hope has taken into account the fact that I decided to tell them.  I also hope that that person will feel free to talk to me whenever they want to vent.  Not to brag but I'm one hell of a listener.  

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