This is me

I've come to the conclusion somewhat recently that one of my greatest desires in life is that it won't be meaningless. Now what do I mean by that? I couldn't even really tell you that, it's an ever evolving thought that I only recently have come to grasp. To summarize it's current meaning to me, however, is something I can do for you, for myself.

My previous motto or meaning for life was, simply put, to live my life to the fullest without regrets so that one day I may look back and be proud of the journey I took. While I still share this dream it has changed somewhat slightly. I've come to realize that while that self assurance is all well and good, it alone will not make me happy with my years spent.

I want to live my life the way I see fit, along my own path on my own journey. I want to experience all that I can so that I may learn all that I can. I wish to regret nothing, embrace everything. And I wish to not simply fade away after my time has come with a sense of self satisfaction. I want others to learn from my time. Teach those that are lost without forcing them to see. Share my thoughts with those that would wish to hear them. From my future children to my present friends and forever strangers, I wish for anyone and everyone to be able to regard my stories as advice (with questionable reliability at worst) and learn something from me and learn of me.

I refuse to fade to nothing, depart this plane with no one to witness my absence. I will be heard, I will be remembered, I will die yet I will still live. This is my wish in life.

These stories are how I plan to make it happen.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


  Well hello everyone!  I have decided to begin this here blog in the hopes of it being a more sustainable way to keep a journal throughout the next upcoming years.  To begin I suppose I will explain the decorum and the URL.  It's simple really, My name is Calvin and I was named after the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.  Awesome, I know.  

  So the way this will work is Monday through Thursday I will post at least once though I may potentially post more as I see fit.  On Fridays/Saturday I will try to post a video blog (or VLog if you're interweb savvy).  More features may come up but for now this is what's going on.  So have fun creepin!

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