This is me

I've come to the conclusion somewhat recently that one of my greatest desires in life is that it won't be meaningless. Now what do I mean by that? I couldn't even really tell you that, it's an ever evolving thought that I only recently have come to grasp. To summarize it's current meaning to me, however, is something I can do for you, for myself.

My previous motto or meaning for life was, simply put, to live my life to the fullest without regrets so that one day I may look back and be proud of the journey I took. While I still share this dream it has changed somewhat slightly. I've come to realize that while that self assurance is all well and good, it alone will not make me happy with my years spent.

I want to live my life the way I see fit, along my own path on my own journey. I want to experience all that I can so that I may learn all that I can. I wish to regret nothing, embrace everything. And I wish to not simply fade away after my time has come with a sense of self satisfaction. I want others to learn from my time. Teach those that are lost without forcing them to see. Share my thoughts with those that would wish to hear them. From my future children to my present friends and forever strangers, I wish for anyone and everyone to be able to regard my stories as advice (with questionable reliability at worst) and learn something from me and learn of me.

I refuse to fade to nothing, depart this plane with no one to witness my absence. I will be heard, I will be remembered, I will die yet I will still live. This is my wish in life.

These stories are how I plan to make it happen.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Life Is Weird

  Holy shit, life is fucking crazy.  

  The last time I updated this crap-in-the-dark blog was over three years ago.  How different was my mind state then?  How different was my thinking?  My life?  So much shit has happened and I have changed in so many ways.The leap in time is spectacular and honestly it fits into how I have been feeling as of late.  

  Before I get too in depth with this, understand that I am drunk as fuck right now and am essentially vomiting all over my keyboard in order to give you an idea of how my mind works.  I am a fun drunk, starting off as an affectionate and lively participant in any and all activity.  However at some point, almost every time, there comes a point where my mind catches up to me and my usual walls locking away past memories collapse under the weight of fighting off drunken-stupor insanity and I therefore loose my mind.  Flashbacks of my past assault my mind and conscious and soul and cause me to completely alter my personality much too early into the party.  

  It is happening right fucking now, as I type. 

  Once I hit that point, there's no stopping it (at this point I have found none that is effective) and I enslave myself to unnecessary pain and anger that were previously locked away by a much more alert, much more sober brain.  Tonight it was memories of crimes I committed.  Other nights it's things I witnessed.  Worse nights still it is memories of a love ending.  Regardless, it isn't pretty and it sends my already intoxicated soul into tailspins.  So what better time to get back on the horse, back to this forum, and allow myself to vent raw?  

   There is no better time.  Reality knocks and once you fail to open the door it breaks the motherfucker down and drags you out of bed and brings you to become a witness in the crime you most dread to see.  At that point you have two choices: you give in to the piss-poor pity party attitude and feel down on your life when I can gaurentee it ain't special, or you get the fuck over your bullshit.  The sun will still rise, the mind will still wander, and the memories will come forth and sabotage your chance of redemption in your own eyes.  What shapes you as a human who evolves and adapts to your baggage isn't the hand you were dealt (or dealt yourself), it is how you react and act in response to the unforgettable memories.  How you react to the unforgivable atrocities.  How you you prepare for the unforeseen consequences.  

  Still, this is life.  The bitch will knock.  Will you answer her call or waste away dreading her invitation?  

Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's all just a matter of Time

    Time does seem to be a fleeting thing.  It pretends to come and go, making us feel older and younger, when in truth it is a constant flow; a steady reminder of hours, days, weeks, months, years spent in our ever moving lives.  Time gives us our understanding for pain, for patience, for sorrow, for peace.  Without time, these things would have little impact on us.  Time measures the number of ways over a number of experiences in which you've been hurt, it measures our steady wish for time to go faster, it measures the number of weeks since we've last seen those we care about, and it measures the memories from our nostalgia.  Time is a bitch, but without her we couldn't know any of the joys of life just as we wouldn't know the pains.  So in a way, Time is a bitch.  In more of a way, we're all sons of bitches.

    So I haven't posted anything on here for about four months and in that time I've had both great and terrible experiences.  So here's the long update in chronological order.

   Well just around the time after my nineteenth birthday I met/started hanging out with Sasha and Justin along with my other great friends Jake, Fletch, Dan, and Cadi.  I would add Josh to this list but he was so busy being all off campus and having a girl friend and blah blah that we didn't hang out as much.  Still my nigga though.  With these two hilarious additions our crew expanded and we had many merry adventures including frequent late night trips to Leehi's and the time we went to the parkway at night and the girls were too scared to get out of the car and everyone claimed to be seeing some "light in the trees" total bullshit.  Anyhoo...


   My group of friends is awesome and is honestly the best thing that ever happened to me in that godforsaken state.  Multiple late night Walmart "shopping" runs, latenights watching movies, and playing Magic/Tichu/Poker/Starcraft and other hilarious memories will forever be among the few highlights of my time at SVU.  It was good to know that there were other normal people in a school fueled by the insane.

   Another highlight of these four months is that after a ton more issues with the Honor Council and me going through a lot of rehashing of buried regrets I somehow was able to finally tell my parents my the majority of my problems, arising from when I was 14 until around 17.  The whole gang stuff, me almost being killed, me almost
killing someone else, all my anger, stories from when I was around the wrong kind of people, things I'd seen, things I'd done, how I drank, how I smoked, how I messed around, how I was extremely violent and always angry, how I wasn't sure if I believed in a god, and how I frankly didn't give a shit about the church.

   It was quite the conversation.

   Well, since those conversations (note the plural) a lot of things got much better as far as my relationship with my parents.  There are still some things about them since that bug me, most arent that big of a deal but a few are big problems to me.  But all in all, I am closer to them now, which is ironic since I don't live with them anymore.

   Well another thing that happened in this interum is that the SVU Dance Company (featuring Calvin Buchanan apparently) had our Spring Recital!  Which went great minus the several technical hiccups but since I didn't work on those I laughed my ass off about them.  But the dancing was great!  it felt good to know that all our hard work paid off!  Previously I had finished "teaching" the first hip hop routine I've ever choreographed alongside my wonderful and talented friend Sarah who taught me the finer aspects of choreo and it felt great to have contributed to the show in such a way as too have co-choreographed one of the most fun routines (I am biased I know)!

   I also had my own solo performance in which I wanted to express some things that I was going through at the time with accepting past wrongs and changing for the better to become the kind of person I want to be. 

SVU Dance Company after our Spiritual Contemporary

   Some other things that happened are that my whole courtroom thing for when I was arrested is finally over.  It resolved after over 6 friggin months with just a fine.  Just a fine.  On one hand I now owe the town of Buena Vista over 300 bucks but on the other that whole process is over so whatever.  One less thing.

   When the school year began drawing to a close I was told that I would not be allowed back to SVU for the next fall semester and that the earliest I could return would be the Spring Semester.  And since I had another ad dismal semester of a 1.0 GPA I would have to complete a semester at another school and finish with a 2.5 or higher before I am allowed back.  While I don't really care a whole lot, I do want to go back to SVU for the spring just for Dance Company and that it's free tuition.

  Well that's about all of the catching up.  Right now I live with my grandparents all the way in Orem, Utah.  i rode several trains over the course of about 50 hours across the country and am ready for a fresh start here, away from reminders of my past, away from negative environments, and ready to live my life the way I want to live it:  To the best of my ability, to the fullest, with no regrets so that I can be proud of myself at my deathbed because it's my life and i'll only get to live it once.  


Thursday, February 16, 2012


In two days from now I will be nineteen.
Two days from now will be just another day.

I am not surprised that my birthday no longer means a whole lot to me but I am surprised just how* little it concerns me. I mean yes, it marks another year of my life but really that's just exciting for those who were alive to know a world without me. A child would hold no concerns for their anniversary of life if the traditions of gift giving had not been imparted into the "holiday"

Why should* my birthday hold meaning to me? Why more so than any other date?  Why more so than January 8th, January 24th, or February 13th, all dates that hold much more significance to me?

I can think of two reasons

   1. It is a day others who know me wish to give condolences and I should not deprive them of that satisfaction
   2. In a year full of reasons to be angry and reasons to be in pain, why not enjoy a day that atleast begins with an inclination of happiness?

So, in short, I suppose that as an adult our birthdays begin to loose significance to us and shift from a day of selfish party-going and gift-giving to a day where those who know us may shout congrats and our day may have atleast one* more reason to be a good one

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2010

  Today marks two years since the day that I last saw my friend who has saved my life on two different occasions, Darin.

  Truthfully, Darin is the one who first got me involved in the world of blood and pain but realistically I would have eventually inserted myself into that world in a much worse way.  Truthfully, I could have got out of that world on my own willpower but realistically I would have wound up dead first, if not for Darin.

  Darin was there when I got my head smashed in and was there when I was looking to return the favor to anyone who looked at me the wrong way.  My entire life since those moments two years ago are all because of him, all thanks to him.  Happy or not, perfect or not, healed or not...

  It's all thanks to him.

  Thank you, Darin.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Restart School, Replay Flow

  Basically today I'm just saying that the new semester has officially started and I am glad for the fresh start.  Already I feel better today than I ever did at all last semester.  I miss some people that have left but hopefully I'll meet more.

  Also to say that I dont know why but since Christmas break I've been refreshed into getting back into rapping alot.  I didn't really realize that I had slowed down from it lat semester until I caught the ilness full force again over break and started writing a ton and freestyling and recording unfinished versus just to test how they sound.  I've gotten back into listening to alot of underground like my man Dumbfoundead ( and freestyling to random beats from youtube and what not.  So yeah, I'm getting back into the things that make life managable for me.  I guess it was needed.

Oh, and here are the pieces I've recorded so far:

This is a demo of one verse of Denial

This is a demo of one verse of Proving Ground

This is a demo of one verse to a song i prolly wont finish.  Its pretty explicit so you're warned

And this is the finished (written wise) demo of a song that I like alot that I did forever ago called Something New